I know it sucks to hear, but things going wrong on your wedding day is pretty much one of the only things I can truly promise. It’s just the nature of life. But when couples go into their day without those clear expectations, their ability to be present pretty much disappears. They’re too consumed with all the things going wrong that they can’t even focus on the good stuff. So here’s how you’re going to combat that before your wedding day when gets here…

1. Define your nonnegotiables. What things are the most important to you? What are the things that would absolutely crush you if they went wrong? What things would you be able to release if things didn’t go according to plan?

2. Focus your energy on the nonnegotiables as you plan for your elopement day.

3. Remember that things will go wrong, but your ability to choose presence and gratitude in every moment will be the KEY to truly enjoying your day, regardless of how it unfolds.

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The Hardest Pill to Swallow About Your Wedding Day